Distributing orphan sponsorships inside Syria



Distributing orphan sponsorships inside Syria

Distributing orphan sponsorships inside Syria

The Ambassador Humanitarian Aid Organization is still continuing its work in distributing orphan sponsorships to those who have lost their sole breadwinner, as hundreds of families there suffer from the lack of a breadwinner in addition to poor living and economic conditions, which has cast its shadow on the increase in poverty rates among these families.

The Ambassador Humanitarian Aid Organization works to distribute monthly sponsorships to these families through the donations that we receive, after the donor chooses the orphan sponsorship branch based on his request, and there are hundreds of Donors sponsor these families on a monthly basis, but there are hundreds of families still in need of sponsors, waiting for the good people among you to sponsor them and spare them from asking people. Sponsoring an orphan, whether male or female, is a great reward and it has been proven that it is encouraged a lot, including the saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like this, and he pointed with his index and middle fingers and separated them a little. Agreed upon and the wording is from Al-Bukhari.